Thursday, January 14, 2010

5 Reasons Why Putting Off Foundation Repair is a Bad Idea

No one likes to think about foundation repair. It's not the cheapest home repair you can think of and it's certainly not glamorous. No one will walk into your home and say, "My, my, my! You have a beautiful home and -- wait -- you must have just had the foundation repaired! It's gorgeous!"

However, ignoring foundation repair or saving it to the very last can be a costly mistake. Below are five reasons why foundation repair should be at the top of your list -- not the bottom.
  1. A bad foundation creates more problems throughout your home. A bad foundation can cause doors to jam in their frames, walls to crack, windows to stick, floor tiles to pop loose, and myriad other problems. Each of these problems cost money to fix and fixing them before you fix the foundation means you'll be fixing these problems again. And again. And again.
  2. A bad foundation does not fix itself. A foundation moves up and down and side to side based on the water content of the soil upon which it rests. No matter how long you wait and how hard you wish, your foundation is not going to move back into its original configuration.
  3. A bad foundation can be the sign of other problems. Ignoring foundation repairs means you may be missing other problems. For instance, if your foundation has shifted due to a leak in a sewer pipe, you may not even learn of the sewer pipe problem until you've begun to deal with the foundation problem.
  4. Spending money on home improvement may be a bust if your foundation has a problem. Just think about installing new floor tiles in your entryway or kitchen, only to have them come loose months later because your foundation is shifting. Your investment in the floor tiles was for nothing!
  5. The longer you wait, the more expensive the repairs may become. You want to stabilize your foundation as soon as possible. Waiting will not lessen the amount of repairs necessary.
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