Remember, roots travel away from the tree trunk as the tree searches for water. Often times, tree roots gravitate towards the building foundation. Once roots reach the foundation, they may press into the foundation and break it, lift it, lower it, or otherwise shift it. Each of these movements can cause significant damage to your foundation.
Also, note that the roots can suck the moisture from the soil, thereby leaving it dry. Dry soil contracts, which can cause the foundation to shift. This is another unpleasant and damaging side effect of tree roots interacting with your foundation.
A root barrier can prevent roots from causing this damage to your foundation.
Root barriers surround the structure and prevent tree roots from getting under the foundation. While you may consider a root barrier a "nice to have" rather than a necessity, keep in mind that root barriers are usually much, much less expensive than foundation repair.
Ace Foundation installs a tough, flexible material designed to resist cracking due to soil movement or new root pressure. (Other foundation repair companies may use concrete or plastic (corrugated vinyl, for instance), but we've found these to be less reliable than the material we use. If another foundation repair company recommends concrete, think back to any number of sidewalks you've seen, cracked and pushed up by tree roots!
Learn More with Our Root Barrier Video
We've prepared a great video which shows exactly what root barriers are and how they protect your home or business' foundation.

Watch the Video
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