Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Rainy Season Isn't Over, Yet.

Summer is finally here and it's going to be a hot one, but that doesn't mean no more rain. While we're several hundred miles inland, we still get rains from the occasional Texas or Louisiana tropical depression, storm, or hurricane. What's interesting about these rains is that they're heavy and can last several days. It's rains like this that really put your drainage systems (and ultimately your foundation's well-being) to the test.

Here's a handful of tips to make sure your drainage (and your foundation) are ready for whatever Mother Nature throws at it.
Installs Gutters and Downspouts
These are the first things added as they are the easiest way to drain a foundation.
Adjust Slopes
The next step is, if possible, to slope the ground away from the foundation. Typically a slope of an inch a foot for each 4 to 5 feet is adequate as long as water is not allowed to stand within 10 feet of a foundation.
Installs Drains
If grading is not possible, area drains, drains that collect surface water are installed. In some situations, shallow French Drains are used as a solution.
Water Direction
Advanced's focus is to, when possible, direct water into a street, drainage ditch, or swale. A swale is simply a very shallow ditch that is used to carry off water.
Look for more tips in our next post! Or, get more information by visiting www.AceFoundation.com.

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