Who would think your foundation would have anything to do with your wallpaper? Hang on and we'll explain.
When your foundation shifts — either up or down or back and forth — it doesn't necessarily move the entire house and what does move doesn't always move in the same direction or the same amount! What this means for your walls and floors is that the angles between the walls and the ceilings and the floors are no longer 90 degrees. To complicate things, the walls or ceilings or floors (or two of or all three) can bow out or bend inward. When this happens, your sheet rock may crack or your wallpaper may wrinkle or stretch.
If your wallpaper was picture perfect at one time but now it's stretched or wrinkled, then you may want to consider having your foundation inspected. If you have wall paper problems plus you have one or more doors or windows sticking, or you see cracks in the walls, or you see other symptoms, then it's definitely time for a foundation inspection.
Get more information by visiting www.AceFoundation.com.
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